This imprint was last updated on 11 janvier 2024.

The owner of this website is:

Groupe Conseil UDA inc. Société par actions
426, chemin des Patriotes
Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, Québec J0H 2G0
Phone number: (450) 584-2207

The legal representative(s) of Groupe Conseil UDA inc. Société par actions:

Jean-François Poirier et Frédéric Fulham

1. General

1.1 We are registered at Sociétés - Numéro d'entreprise du Québec (NEQ) under the license or registration number:

1.2 We display services or products on our website, which require registration with the following professional association:


We are willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.